Wednesday, June 11, 2014

8 Elements of Digital Literacies

Doug Belshaw, a researcher in education, defines digital literacy as part of his doctoral dissertation. Based on his research, the 8 elements Belshaw has identified a being central to digital literacy are:

Cultural: The context in which the literacy is situated
Cognitive: How do we think when using a device?
Constructive: We should aim to use technology constructively
Communicative: We should be using technology to enhance our communications
Confident: Confidence is key in learning how to master technology
Creative: Using technology in the classroom requires some creativity and risk taking
Critical: You need to be able to evaluate technologies with a critical eye
Civic: You should be using the technologies available to us for the greater good

For more info, check out the TED video!

HHS Book Club Meeting 6/12

The HHS Book Club will be holding it's last meeting of the school year this Thursday, 6/12, at 2:00pm in the library's seminar room. We are reading the discussing The Maze Runner by James Dashner. New members are welcome!